This month's book of the month is The Me I Choose to Be by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley
A beautiful ode to the power of self love, Natasha Tarpley takes us on a journey to discover our true potential through magical imagery and lyrical prose. “The Me I Choose To Be” challenges each of us to look inward and embrace who we are during our time in this magical universe.

Discussion Questions:
How would you describe yourself to someone who had never met you? What are some adjectives you might use?
Draw a picture of yourself the way you would like to be seen by the world! Would your hair be pink? Blue? Long? Short? Would you be dressed in everyday clothes, or would you prefer a more unique ensemble? Would you have wings, gills, a beak?
What is something about yourself that you think is special and unique? Think about traits that we aren’t able to see with our eyes, such as being a good friend, a curious learner, or a creative spirit!
Think of someone special in your life, and try to give them a compliment sometime this week!
Why is it important to love ourselves?